Along Empakasi Drive Off Gataka Road | Ongata Rongai
+254 716 076 694

Certified Teachers

We have well equipped teachers and other administrative staff who offer learners with quality teaching and mentorship in order to help them achieve their dreams. We ensure your child future is enriched by sharpening their skills.

Special Education

We believe that every student holds the innate potential to achieve their goals and succeed in life regardless of challenges, we are commiteed to consistently approach every student not in terms of what they lack but in terms of what is possible.

Book & Library

We have Library for students to gain new knowledge, skills, and dispositions for learning and personal development that they will use throughout their lives. It equips students with lifelong learning skills enabling them to live as responsible citizens.


The Centre is registered and certified by the Ministry Of Education In Kenya since 2016. The school has over three hundred students studying more than eighty registered for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education KCSE

Welcome to Diphine Education Centre | DEC

This is a community based institution located along Empakasi Drive Off Gataka Road, Ongata Rongai - Kenya.

The Centre is a registered institution by the Ministry of Education in Kenya.

It was started with an aim to provide basic Secondary Education to vulnerable children, orphans, street children and the school dropouts to rehabilitate and offer them hope in their life.

Besides Education, we provide meals at school with future aim to provide school uniforms to the needy students. We also intend to provide domitories to which will be their homes as majority are orphans and homeless.

Since its inception the school has produced candidates who have joined Public Universities and Colleges as well as Tertiary institutions in the Republic of Kenya.

We offer timely and continuous admissions for students of form one to form four, this enrollments are conducted by qualified teaching staff. We also consider assesements to students who are joining.

Our Notices

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Our School Values

We are a high achieving school at the heart of our community. Equity lies at the core of everything that we believe and do. We know that every child has unique talents and it is our job to help them shine.

Safety First

Your child's safety at school is guaranteed and is our ultimate responsibility as a school, guardians can take a few basic steps to ensure a safe school experience.

Our Vision

To be a centre for educational excellence in addressing the plight of marginalised youths, orphaned and street children.

Certified Teachers

Our school has qualified and reputable teachers who offer learners with quality teaching and mentorship in order to help them achieve their dreams.


We are committed to offer learners with support, nurturing their talents and helping them to pursue their interests.

Creative Lessons

We provide our learners with support, resources and ample time to fully express their creativity in different facets of life.

Our Mission

To help the needy, orphaned, economically marginalised young men and women by providing basic education.

Teaching Your Child Some Good Manners

All children, however challenges they face, can develop respect, responsibility, resilience, resourcefulness and the ability to reflect. These values will stand them in good stead as they become global citizens and they form the basis of our vibrant, safe and happy school.

Dear Form One Students,

You’ll find everything you need to know about our fees and payment process here.. Of course, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate
Contact us for more details.

Please download the admission leter here.

Certified Teachers

Our school has qualified and reputable teachers who offer learners with quality teaching and mentorship in order to help them achieve their dreams.

Paul Maweu


I always Work with the school committee and advisory groups within the community to come up with the most appropriate curricula to meet the needs of our students.

Phelma Kemunto


"Besides providing strategic school directive system, I develop standardized curricula, monitor student achievement, encourage parent involvement, revise policies and procedures"

Benjamin Kirui

Deputy Principal

A'm always working close with the principal to ensure school leadership and motivational role in the directive of the school enterprise is excercised.

James Muisyo


As the director of studies, I ensure the teaching and learning component of the school programmes are delivered to the highest standards.

Learning Curriculum Activities

We encourage creativity and learning through diversity & nurture upright, honorable and God fearing children. We offer a theme based teaching, standard driven curriculum taught by highly qualified and caring tutors.

Group Projects or Assignments

Teaming up for a group discussion or making a group for the class project is a very promising learning activity for students.

Brainstorming young Minds

This process is useful as while brainstorming, they come up with great new ideas and learn to work together in a team or group.

Debate & Discussion

Involving in collaborative argumentation & discourse improves conceptual understanding and improves their reasoning abilities. One group will focus on representing the opposing viewpoints.

Library & Sports

Children who get involved in extra activities meet new people and because of that their social skills are improved. Moreover, it is extremely important to have good social skills in students as these help them prepare for their later life.

6 Years of Experience

We are committed to offer learners with support, nurturing their talents and helping them to pursue their interests.

0 Certified Teachers
0 Successful Students
0 Happy Parents
0 Certified KCSE Students

What Parents Say About Us

There is no limit to what your child can achieve at our school: providing the global education needed for tomorrow, today.

Admission In Progress...

Parents are welcome to visit the school prior to making their application. Please contact the school if you wish to make an appointment with the school for admission which is in progress for the Form One Intake. Full details of the admission procedure can be accessed and is in progress at school.

Recent Gallery

Welcome to the gallery! Please enjoy browsing our photographs. We hope you enjoy looking at some great examples of students's work and activities at our school. Also shown are some of the wonderful features we enjoy at our school.

Skills To Develop Your Child Memory

We dicover the most important life skills of your child and find them ways to incorporate them into your daily routine.

It’s Time to Quiz and Revision after Assembly.

Conducting a quiz in class on the topics covered in the previous classes helps them to understand the basic concepts of subjects.

Group Activities for Students in School

Activities for students to overcome the fear of speaking in front of the audience, mingling with other students, working in groups openly.

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Diphine Education Centre.